Wargame red dragon mods ww2
Wargame red dragon mods ww2

Every male here that served has heard that joke countless times. “If the enemy doesn’t come from East, it has flanked you!” was a common catch phrase used by military officers, training conscripts. The true mental state of military forces and young men of that time (that would have been sent into war) was very patriotic and anti-Soviet. Lot of people have regretted doesn’t matter anything what “Western countries” considered Finland’s position to be. But it’s not great time to join, in the 1980’s we missed our chance because people wanted to keep the Status Quo and remain neutral. Most military cadres, most veterans, National Coalition Party are pro-NATO.

wargame red dragon mods ww2

Current President also wants to keep the option open. Only reason we didn’t join NATO then and don’t join it now, is not to piss off the Russians. We didn’t join NATO to stay neutral, but it was always something many people wanted (and still constant hot potato in political debates). I grew up in the 80’s Finland, culture and ideals were very pro-USA pro-Capitalism and pro-NATO. Finland also paid a huge cost in blood to stop Soviet invasion in 1939 Winter War, and tried to gain back ground in Continuation War 1941-44, attacking Soviet soil.

wargame red dragon mods ww2

right wing Whites) which ended in victory of Whites, and lot of Reds were executed after the war. You don’t really know about the country it seems, there was a Civil War in 1918 (communist Reds vs. Whole defense doctrine, armament and military training was based on countering invasion from East (= making it too costly). The good relations to Soviets were only to prevent another invasion, fear/hate relationship masked in friendliness. Finland was heavily pro-West during Cold War. I would personally advocate for the creation of a ‘GREENFOR’ group, which would include non-alinged countries and armies, which don’t neatly fall into either ‘blue’ or ‘red’ categories. I think if you had to tie Finland into either REDFOR or BLUEFOR, it would have to be a REDFOR country. There was no comparable agreement between Finland and the West. “Under the pact, Finland was obliged to resist armed attacks by “Germany or its allies” (in reality interpreted as the United States and allies) against Finland, or against the Soviet Union through Finland.” The Finno-Soviet Treaty of 1948 (Agreement of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, also known as the YYA-Treaty), was one of the cornerstones of Finnish foreign policy during the Cold War, and, again, effectively tied Finland to Soviet sphere. The Finnish Communist Party was a major player in the Finnish politics. Finland was, effectively, in the Soviet sphere of influence and not in America’s. Keep an eye on the blog in the coming weeks, we’ll keep you posted on the development of this very exciting new content for Wargame: Red true that Finland played both sides, and adeptly so, but if it came to choosing between Soviet Union and United States in a global war, Finland would’ve joined sides with Soviet Union every time.


We are also working on the free 10 versus 10 map for the game, and a couple of new updates are on their way. This is why we are announcing the development of a third Nation Pack, 100% red, and this one will be a double one! Following your votes, this Nation pack will include both Yugoslavia and Finland (adding up to 23% of votes in the poll), to Wargame: Red Dragon! It should be available later this year. For a long time, we have been fully conscious that there are a lot of NATO countries in the game, and that we need to balance that. Nevertheless, it’s clear that we have a lot of red too. With a 28,7% of the votes, it’s the famous Israel Defense Forces, Tzahal, that will be added to Wargame: Red Dragon! This extraordinary army brings a lot of new and powerful equipment, such as the Merkava tank (Mark I, Mark II and Mark III), the heavily armored personel carrier Achzarit, the Kfir combat aircraft, and the MadMat Makmat 160mm, which is basically a huge mortar mounted on an obsolete Sherman chassis (just like MadMat?).Īs said before, we had a total of sixteen thousand votes (!), with a clear dominance of Israel: You were 16,369 people to answer the poll and it’s now time to reveal which nation you’ll soon be able to play. After the success of the first Nation Pack DLC for Wargame: Red Dragon, The Netherlands, we asked you guys to vote for the next country to be added in the game.

Wargame red dragon mods ww2